The yellow boat Barry B has gone to a new home away from North Berwick now, but he was always one of my favourites. I painted a tiny version of this some time ago.
A bigger painting, bigger brushes, and E is playing Leftism which is making me work much quicker. Normally I like silence.
...or rather, rippling. The texture and colour of the water in the harbour is quite fascinating - almost like a textile pattern in this case. It's not until I really started paying attention that I realised it never looks the same. I started this on Friday at the NB Art Group drop-in session. We have two hours on a Friday morning (and a longer four hour stint once a month) in a local hall to work on whatever we like. A nice friendly group - painting, chat and coffee. There is quite a bit of work to be done in the water, with a very small brush. Next work will need to be done with a large one, for a bit of a contrast! Time to give the boats a wee break now I think...
For some unknown reason I had put this painting aside since November. Finished today, big pink rocks and ropes and all.
...are not conducive to painting. I have barely turned the lights off for the last three or four weeks, and although daylight bulbs (with a colour temperature of around 6000K) are very good, nothing really replaces a bright day for working. Hence the slow progress this month so far! However I feel this painting is now finished, and will leave it now until I get a good look at it on a brighter day.
February 2024