Well that's another year over! My seventh summer at my beach hut gallery at North Berwick harbour, and probably the windiest yet (and the coldest - yes I'm looking at you JULY) but the memories are of sun, enjoying the outdoor painting, friendships with my beach hut buddies and meeting people from all over the world. Thanks to everyone that has dropped by and visited, and see you next year!
Been a bit under the weather lately - either two colds one after the other or the same one continually mutating - but a mild malady I find very good for enforced productivity... 'Winter Tree in a Field', A3 acrylic on canvas (title may need some work!) and 'Brimlad', acrylic 290 x 290mm (an Anglo Saxon girl's name meaning seaway, fact fans) First boat painting finished in what seems like ages! Another view of Tidewatch II which I seem to paint rather often - I do like its shape though. Hoping that people will understand the title...
...states that all artists living within view of the Bass Rock must render it in artistic form at least a couple of times a year. Today I have discharged this duty with this mini-mini (7cm square) for the forthcoming NB Art Group Summer Show. Inspired by a photo I took recently - the colours are fairly accurate (apart from the guy's backpack!)
Just about finished this view of Anchor Green. I may add some lettering to the finger signpost. Or I may not. And I really feel there ought to be at least one seagull (maybe having a peck at the dropped cone?)
Yes it's one of my boat paintings without a boat in it! Just a bit of work to do in the reflections I think.
Deep blue and orange is now a colour combination I wouldn't go for in any sartorial situation, but it makes for an interesting combination in a boat picture. Just blocking out the shapes and colours now, it's always fun to leave the bright orange to the last. Progress...
The yellow boat Barry B has gone to a new home away from North Berwick now, but he was always one of my favourites. I painted a tiny version of this some time ago.
...or rather, rippling. The texture and colour of the water in the harbour is quite fascinating - almost like a textile pattern in this case. It's not until I really started paying attention that I realised it never looks the same. I started this on Friday at the NB Art Group drop-in session. We have two hours on a Friday morning (and a longer four hour stint once a month) in a local hall to work on whatever we like. A nice friendly group - painting, chat and coffee. There is quite a bit of work to be done in the water, with a very small brush. Next work will need to be done with a large one, for a bit of a contrast! Time to give the boats a wee break now I think...
For some unknown reason I had put this painting aside since November. Finished today, big pink rocks and ropes and all.
January 2025