First boat painting finished in what seems like ages! Another view of Tidewatch II which I seem to paint rather often - I do like its shape though. Hoping that people will understand the title...
There's not been much in the way of painting, drawing or anything else going on for the past few weeks, with all the distractions of collecting Elder Daughter's flat contents from Aberdeen, distributing said contents into an already full to bursting house, having my elderly and faithful car put to sleep and then looking for a replacement vehicle. It's really not easy going around salesrooms when you don't have a car to get there! However I collect the new car tomorrow and I am already planning several trips to charity shops and the local dump, or Civic Amenity Site as we now should call it. Meanwhile though I have managed to start a new boat painting, with a slightly different colour feel to it from those I have been doing lately.
February 2024