Having been busy with a commission recently - which was unusual as it was a pen and ink drawing of an unbuilt project - there hasn't been much time for anything else. However I have just finished another work featuring my favourite birch trees, this time in summer hues. Only winter left to go now!
I seem to be unable to sit and work away at one thing diligently at the moment but have several projects on the go at once. These trunks will become springtime birch trees; I have been wandering around looking at chimney pots (this can be a little hazardous if not paying enough attention to what feet are doing!) and I have treated myself to a big box of pencils which I have hankered after for a while. Also waiting for some lino cutting tools to arrive - I have no idea where my old ones are - as I want to do some printing again. New year - new possibilities!
January 2025