Been a bit under the weather lately - either two colds one after the other or the same one continually mutating - but a mild malady I find very good for enforced productivity... 'Winter Tree in a Field', A3 acrylic on canvas (title may need some work!) and 'Brimlad', acrylic 290 x 290mm (an Anglo Saxon girl's name meaning seaway, fact fans)
Actually there isn't much sign of it at all - an unseasonable 19 degrees here today - although we are firmly into autumnal territory foliage-wise. Nevertheless this week I have been fixated on snow and have painted these two acrylics on board 'Winter mist, low sun' and 'Winter Crow'. Both A3.
The last ten days has seen a run of the best kind of late spring weather here in North Berwick - sunny, fairly warm and not too windy (which is rare!). I have been down at my beach hut studio every day (not today though as we seem to have reverted to a strong easterly wind which has sent the temperature right down) and, having brought down my easel and paints, I have been able to get on with some outdoor painting. This acrylic on canvas board was executed entirely outdoors, apart from the smaller tree on the right.
After doing a fair amount of drawing in coloured pencils since the start of the year, this week I felt inspired to try something completely different from my usual. Canvas board is not a surface I have used often and the chance to try out a new palette of colours on a new surface was quite exciting. Add in to the mix pens, sponges and cocktail sticks and there has been a fair amount of experimentation. Luckily I am very pleased with the result!
"Late Autumn Apricity", acrylic and pen on canvas board, 500 x 400mm Having been busy with a commission recently - which was unusual as it was a pen and ink drawing of an unbuilt project - there hasn't been much time for anything else. However I have just finished another work featuring my favourite birch trees, this time in summer hues. Only winter left to go now!
There's been a distinct change in the air over the last week and it's dark when I get up now. The autumnal vibe has clearly influenced this collage of birch trees - a much bigger version of the four little ones I did earlier in the year. I feel it needs something leafy in the foreground, but apart from that, near finished now.
Having done Winter and Spring here we are in "Summer". Probably going to add some more foliage and verdant growth in the foreground.
I haven't made a collage for ages so thought I would have a go at a small view of a birch wood in winter. Crimson red acrylic background to the sky for that heavy angry look and then a pastel background. Three layers of tree trunks drawn and then cut out of paper. It needs a bit more detail added - smaller branches and so on - but it's not far off done I think.
January 2025