I made the decision to retire as Chair of North Berwick in Bloom last summer, after eight years in the role and nearly twenty years volunteering for the group in various capacities. It has been a lot of fun, I have met wonderful people, and I have learnt so much. But the time had come when I was feeling quite worn out by it all - and also it will be good for NB in Bloom to have some fresh blood in charge! So I was delighted to receive a letter just before Christmas informing me that I was to receive a Certificate of Merit from the Royal Caledonian Horticultural Society recognising my "highly regarded and significant contribution to horticulture and gardening in Scotland". I collected the certificate at the Caley's AGM and Award Ceremony on Tuesday night at the Botanic Gardens in Edinburgh (another favourite haunt!). Now to find a frame (it's a large certificate...) Last weekend I was exhibiting at Cockenzie House and Gardens in a fundraiser show for the 3 Harbours Festival. Some very good work on display and lots of visitors over the week, and I was very happy to take part as I will be busy at my beach hut during June when the main Festival is taking place. I was very interested in the salt being made in the garden in a newly repaired pan, which has been newly repaired by the Waggonway Heritage Group and there will be a group of salters there regularly at weekend over the spring and summer. Meanwhile, with all this extra time on my hands, I have started painting in earnest in preparation for several forthcoming shows. This painting "Snowdrops in the Stumpery" features one of North Berwick in Bloom's beds in the Lodge Gardens.
January 2025